Everyone Loves an Old Fox, Right?

Everyone loves an old Fox, right?  Well, actually no.  Unlike the Michael J. variety, Mozilla Firefox has slipped into almost complete obscurity as a desktop browser.  Depending on your source of data, Firefox's marketshare has slumped from a peak in 2009 of just over 30%, to a lowly 7.69% in August, 2016.  Although, it has... Continue Reading →

Being BAD at task management

I have co-authored a paper with a colleague, David Jones which was published at the ASCILITE2014 conference being held in Dunedin New Zealand.  The paper was titled Breaking BAD to bridge the reality/rhetoric chasm.  The reality/rhetoric chasm is best expressed through the following metaphor, in the words of Professor Mark Brown: E-learning's a bit like... Continue Reading →

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